Saturday 27 August 2011

What's Lard-Ass up to?

Well old Lard-Ass is up to something. Been a lot of hammering and banging going on over the last few days. I also felt a weird pricking sensation around my roof. What is he up to?

Yesterday his crazy brother-in-law came and put a new garden gate on. Today Lard-Ass painted it Blue. Had to laugh, as soon as he finished there was a cloudburst and half the paint was washed off. He is such a pillock!

The turf has taken well so I am now surrounded by a lush but rather small green lawn. Maybe he is after taking up croquet like that Lard-Ass Labour politician whose name I forget.

Something is definitely afoot. I don't like it. Is he going to torch me like he did with Blue Shed Mk 1? Who knows. He's mad enough for anything.

It is also a Bank Holiday weekend. That does not bode well. Lard-Ass usually gets drunk, invites friends round, plays Led Zeppelin and gets his harmonica out. He generally makes an idiot of himself.

I do not like it. Not one little bit.

A red and a grey squirrel came scampering over my felt-hat yesterday to rob his bird-feeder. Good on you boys but watch out for those bloody cats. They are vicious, yowling demons.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

The Return of Lard-Ass

Well I'm back from holidays. (Full report on my Facebook page.) Had a fab weekend in Cumbria with an old and very valued friend. Now planning next years hols.

My daughter had a really BIG cancer scare this week but results are not looking as bad as we feared. To be checked again in six months.

My Great Friend is also responding well to treatment so things looking ok... after a fashion.

Bloody residents meeting tonight. I could do without it to be honest. Not really into these neo-vigilante things. Full of little-Hitlers.

Garden looking fab. Had lawn laid round Blue Shed so he should be pleased... for once.

Made a lovely bacon and egg pie tonight. Click on for receipe.


Pleased? I'm still thinking about the fate of my predecessor. Up in smoke after years of faithful service. Still, Old Lard-Ass got a shock on return from his hols. Letter from the council warning him that neighbours had complained about smoke from his chiminea. That'll shut him up for a while.

Well the lawn looks better that the pile of mud that preceded it but already I can see three pieces of cat-poo on it already.

It's only about 17 sq metres but Lard-Ass still had to get someone to lay it. Bone-idle. I know he's retired but he is surely taking the pizza!